3.3。Spices Useful for Skin Care用于皮肤护理的香料One of the more unusual parts of these skin care routines is the use of spices to help improve the condition of your skin.更不寻常的部分之一是这些护肤程序使用调味品有助于改善肌肤的条件。For example, if you have the kapha skin type, you should use plenty of ginger and black pepper in your meals because these are supposed to enhance digestion and stop those toxins from building up in the body.例如,如果你有kapha皮肤类型,那么你应该使用大量的姜、黑胡椒粉在用餐,因为这些都应该增强消化和阻止这些毒素从建立在人体内。Fennel and licorice are recommended for Pitta skin.茴香、甘草推荐用于塔都皮肤。
2.2。Turmeric is Proven Effective郁金被证明是有效的Along the lines above, Turmeric is one of the most commonly used spices in the Ayurvedic traditions, including skin care.沿着线以上,郁金是其中最常用的香料,包括在印度传统的皮肤护理。What you might find most interesting is that Turmeric has been proven to have numerous health benefits in study after study.你也许会发现最有趣的是,郁金已经被证明能够拥有众多有益于健康的研究学习之后。Look for it in a wide range of Ayurvedic products.寻找它的在一个广泛的阿育吠陀的产品。
1.1。Practice is 5,000 Years Old实践是5000多年的历史了Unlike some of the alternative medicines and skin care options available, these techniques have been established and refined over the last 5,000 years.不像一些替代性药物和护肤产品可供选择,这些技术已经建立完善过去的5000年。The term Ayurveda is a word from Sanskrit which means pure knowledge of life and longevity.阿育吠陀是一个字”这个词指的是纯粹从梵文生活的知识和使用寿命。These practices and approaches to skin care are not just going to improve the look of your skin but are truly holistic in that they can help every aspect of your health and well-being once you come to understand them.这些措施和途径,为皮肤护理不仅仅是要提高你的皮肤,但看起来是真正的整体性,他们可以帮助各个方面,您的健康和福祉,一旦你开始理解他们。
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